Frequently Asked Questions

I have an event, how can I get you to attend?

Please fill out the Event Request Form on the main 501st Legion website. Once that has been completed your event will be passed along to one of the Outer Rim Garrison’s event coordinators who will contact you directly.

We have an event next week, are you able to make it?

Typically we ask for 2-3 months advance notice for an event. All of our members are volunteers, so in order to coordinate our troopers and best fulfill your request, the more lead time you can provide us with the better.

Can you attend my child’s birthday party? My Wedding?

Sorry, no. While you may have seen some photos online of members of the 501st Legion attending birthdays or weddings, the decision to do so is based region to region and is at the discretion of local groups. Members of the Outer Rim Garrison have adopted an internal policy to not attend birthdays or weddings.

Can you come to my bachelor/bachelorette party?

Sorry, no. While the 501st Legion is made up of the “bad guys/gals” we have certain regulations that we have to follow which do not permit us to attend such events.

Do you charge for appearances?

While we do not charge a fee for appearances, we enthusiastically welcome donations made to your favourite charity in the name of the 501st Legion/Outer Rim Garrison. If you do not have a charity of choice, we would happily provide you with a list of some of our favourite causes.

What area does the Outer Rim Garrison cover?

The Outer Rim Garrison covers all of British Columbia. While the majority of our members are located in the Lower Mainland area and on Vancouver Island, we have troopers throughout the province. Chances are there’s probably a 501st Legion member in your area already!

I don’t have a costume just yet, but is there some way I can volunteer or help out?

There are variety of ways you can help. You can follow our Facebook Fan Page to keep an eye on upcoming public events. You can also contribute to some of the charities and community groups we support, via fundraising etc.

If you’d like to join our online community, please register on our forum, introduce yourself, and see what upcoming events are happening in your area.

Can anybody join the 501st Legion?

Yes, anybody can join the 501st Legion. The only requirements are you own an approved Star Wars “bad guy/gal” costume and that you’re of age. Please visit the 501st membership requirements page for more details.

What age do I have to be to join?

Members have to be 18 years of age to join. If you’re under the age of 18 or have younglings who would like to participate, please visit the Galactic Academy.

I want to be a Jedi or a Rebel, can I join the 501st Legion?

Sorry no, the 501st Legion is made up of only the “villains” from the Star Wars universe. Please visit our sister costuming club, The Rebel Legion, if you’re looking to join the light side of the force.

How much of a commitment is it to participate in the 501st Legion?

That really depends on how involved you would like to be. The 501st Legion does require you to participate in at least one official event per year in costume in order to remain an active trooper.

Where can I get a costume?

All of our members costumes are “fan-made”. If your goal is to join the 501st Legion we STRONGLY advise potential new members NOT to purchase costumes from any retail stores or online before checking with us first. More often than not costumes purchased online or in retail stores do not meet 501st Legion requirements and will need drastic modifications in order to pass our standards. Typically it will cost you more time and money to modify one of these costumes rather then building it from scratch to being with.

Please visit our forum where we can point you in the right direction of how to start building your own costume. Or if you have an idea of which costume you would like to build, you can also visit the “detachment” for that costume where they will have more detailed information. You can find a list of the detachments here.

You can also click here to find a list of CRL’s (costume requirements)

My costume needs to be approved?

Yes, the 501st Legion has minimum standards for all of our costumes. We like to say it “looks as if we just walked off of a Star Wars set”.

Once your costume is completed our Garrison Membership Liaison (GML) will review your application photos to make sure you’ve met all the requirements, or let you know what parts need a bit more work or fixing.

I’m not that skilled at putting together a costume, could somebody help me out?

Most definitely! Occasionally we will host “armour parties” where members and new recruits get together and help each other out with their costumes.

Our members have a wealth of knowledge and are more than willing to help out if you’re confused about something or are not sure which piece to glue.

Feel free to post a question on our forum and somebody will either have the answer for you, or at the very least point you in the right direction of where to go to find the information you need. We’re a friendly group and who were all “noobs” who had never put together a costume at some point in our lives too!